Fall into a world of fairytales that tests all the theories of magic...in JP Roth and Sabine Rich's Theory of Magic.
Every hundred years, a Seelie fairy must be human for three days, in that time, the Unseelie can hunt the Seelie Fey for their immortal flame, and the gods would close their eyes. A princess of firelight and next in line for the Seelie throne, Selyara is a girl who wants only freedom. Given no protection, she must face three days as a human, alone. Lavara sits on the Seelie throne as queen regent until Selyara has completed and survived her human trial. If Selyara dies, Lavara will take the throne... JP Roth & Sabine Rich's Theory of Magic graphic novel holds seven chapters of story and art, drawn and colored by Sabine Rich, and includes a cover gallery as well as sketch and layout bonus pages, and a new cover by J Scott Campbell!