Since his rise from musical prodigy to renowned comic book creator, Max Bemis has created a signature style focused on juxtaposing 'real life' protagonists with fantasies, escapes, and interaction with strange new worlds. -AIPTCOMICS.COM
"Buchemi and Ribeiro create a visually mesmerizing comic from front to back."
"The origins of other races of the modern world may be similarly traced; in almost every case, older far than they realize, their history stretches back into the mists of the forgotten Hyborian age..." --ROBERT E. HOWARD
Robert E. Howard's Hyboria UNLEASHED! See its true nature, its unrestrained violence and sexuality!
Rising from a watery grave, Belit once again finds herself commanding a ship, sailing the seas in search of adventure...and answers. But when a deal goes wrong, she finds herself teamed up with the woman she was holding prisoner: the equally beautiful and deadly Valeria.
These two iconic characters will find themselves traveling together on a mission to find out how Belit lives once again that will lead them straight into danger...from the gods themselves!
Collected edition includes the hit 5 issue series, complete cover gallery, plus as a bonus, contains Robert E. Howard prose featuring first appearance of Belit, Valeria, and the origin of the Hyborian Age!