Since his rise from musical prodigy to renowned comic book creator, Max Bemis has created a signature style focused on juxtaposing 'real life' protagonists with fantasies, escapes, and interaction with strange new worlds. -AIPTCOMICS.COM
"Buchemi and Ribeiro create a visually mesmerizing comic from front to back."
"The origins of other races of the modern world may be similarly traced; in almost every case, older far than they realize, their history stretches back into the mists of the forgotten Hyborian age..." --ROBERT E. HOWARD
ROBERT E. HOWARD'S HYBORIAN AGE UNLEASHED! See its true skull-cracking nature, its unrestrained blood-splattering violence, mayhem, and sexuality! Two she-pirates, one recently dead, and the other less than willing are all that stands between chaos and order. The secret behind Belit's resurrection is revealed! And it involves the gods themselves! But once the source of this miracle comes to light, a betrayal from someone close becomes imminent. Will the truth provide her with more power? Or be her doom? Bonus material included: The original Robert E. Howard essay "The Hyborian Age"